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Formula Purposes & Benefits

Sleep Aid Formula is formulated to support healthy sleep cycles (circadian rhythm), relaxation, and improved mood.

Our product is synthesized utilizing the latest scientific research and formulated with high quality ingredients.

Our formula is third party independently tested for heavy metals, impurities, made in the USA, GMP certified, and produced in an FDA registered facility. 1% of the supplements on the market can match our world class standards.

Sleep Aid Formula

  • Formula Ingredient Deck

    Benefits Of Each Ingredient

    Calcium Carbonate

    • Supports bone health, muscle function, and cardiovascular health (36,37).
    • Regulates processes of bone resorption, mineralization, and fracture repair (36,37).
    • Increases the effect of physical exercise on bone mineral acquisition in the period preceding puberty (36,37).
    • Prevents the development of preeclampsia (36,37).

    Vitamin B6

    • Serves as a cofactor in more than 150 enzymatic reactions associated in blood sugar regulation, immunity, cardiovascular function, neuronal health, metabolic, and digestive health (38, 40).
    • Reduces plasma glucose (blood sugar levels) via by inhibiting the activity of small-intestinal α-glucosidases (enzymes associated with glucose metabolism) (39).
    • Functions as an antioxidant by counteracting the formation of reactive oxygen species (inflammatory markers) and advanced glycation end-products (38,40).
    • May support blood sugar regulation in women with gestational diabetes (40).
    • Cofactor for enzymes involved in DNA metabolism (40).


    • Supports optimal nerve function, muscle contractions, cardiovascular, bone health, and decreased anxiety (90,91).
    • Supports biological reactions such as ATP fueled reactions and pancreatic insulin secretion (90,91).
    • Supports reduction systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose, triglycerides, and healthy HDL levels (90,91).
    • Reduces peripheral cortisol levels in the CNS and supports relaxation and decreased anxiety (90,91).


    • Decreases anxiety, supports positive mood, supports gut brain axis, and an improved sleep cycle (259,260).
    • Decreases anxiety via increases in 5 HTP (259, 260).


    • Improves circadian rhythm via increased natural melatonin production (259,260).
    • Supports gut brain axis via natural increased production of serotonin in gut neurons (260).

    Goji Berry

    • Supports immune health, vision health, immune health, and aids as a neuroprotective agent (261,262).
    • Supports immune function via carotenoid and polyphenolic free radical scavenging capabilities, reduced DNA damage, and reduced inflammatory cytokines (261).
    • Supports vision health via ocular neuroprotective effects zeaxanthin content (found in goji berry) (262).
    • Increases neuronal protection with potent ameliorative effects on neuronal oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis and neuronal cell death (262).


    • Supports healthy sleep, relaxation, reduced anxiety, and antioxidant support (251,252,253).
    • Supports antioxidant function due to high levels of quercetin (flavonoid antioxidant) (251,252,253).
    • Supports sleep via increases in parasympathetic (relaxation mode) activity, increased benzodiazepine-like hypnotic activity (sleep inducer), and attachment to GABA receptors (251,252,253).
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